Friday 21 December 2018

Introduction to Java Programming

Java is a robust, object-oriented and secured programming language. Java has JRE (Java Runtime Environment) installed on the machine. JRE makes possible to run java program of user. Java is currently used in many devices. Some of these are as follows:
1. Desktop Applications
2.Web Aplication
3. Enterprise Application
4. Mobile
5. Embedded System
6. Smart Card

Types of Java Applications are as follows :
1. Standalone Applications
2. Web Applications
3. Enterprise Applications
4. Mobile Applications

Standalone applications are those applications which are pre installed on every machine or these needed to be installed on every machine. Examples are Media Player, Antivirus etc.

Web Applications run on the server side and create dynamic page called web application. Currently Java, Struts, JSP are used for creating web application.

Enterprise Application are those application which are installed for the enterprises such as banking application etc. It has advantage of high level security, load balancing etc. Application is distributed in nature.

Mobile applications are developed for the mobile devices.

There are four platforms of Java Edition:

1. Java SE (Java Standard Edition)
2. Java ME (Java Micro Edition)
3. Java EE(Enterprise Edition)
4.Java FX